My Twitter #TeacherTribe

My Twitter #TeacherTribe

So I’m turning 30 this year, and I’ve grown up in the age of social media. I wouldn’t call myself obsessed, but I’m not against social media either. But one tool I never really used was Twitter. I didn’t really get it. I dabbled in it when it first started, and I was super excited when Tom Felton aka Draco Malfoy followed me in 2006 (jealous?!), but I never really used it again. Until about three months ago. And it has changed my professional life. Seriously.

In the last two months, I’ve decided to hit Twitter hard. I searched hashtags like #EdTech, #GoogleEDU, #FamilyandConsumerSciences, #EdChat, #GoogleEI, #FACS, #CTEhighlights, #SayYesToFCS, #TLAP (Teach Like a Pirate) etc. I searched for anything and everything that I liked or was a part of as a teacher. In 5 days I started following over 800 people. You might think, why would a sane person do this? Well, let me tell you.

I have gotten so many ideas for classroom activities, professional development, inspirational thoughts to get me through the week, and general knowledge of teaching. I’ve expanded my #PLN (Professional Learning Network) and learned more about innovative ways to incorporate technology and engaging activities in my classroom. I have made connections with like-minded teachers all over the world, and I’ve never been so excited to incorporate my findings! I can’t wait to go to work every day. Seriously.

I decided to make my Twitter specifically for professional use. I figured my friends and family can stick with being a part of my personal Facebook and Instagram, but I needed Twitter to find my #TeacherTribe. My Twitter is a place I go to get specific, professional information, without being bogged down by outsider information. I tailor it to my needs. And follow people who make me a better teacher! When I’m feeling down, I get inspiration, when I’m feeling proud of my work, I share it and open up lines of communication and collaboration with other teachers.

If you are unsure about Twitter, I challenge you to try it out. Only on a professional basis. Surround yourself with positive teachers and leaders. Find your #TeacherTribe. I did. And I will never look back.

And if you would like to join my #PLN please follow me on Twitter: @marygoround82 (and I’ll follow you back!) or see my classroom in action at #WolfPackFACS

Mary Mullikin is a seventh year Family and Consumer Sciences Teacher at Vista Ridge High School. She is a Level 2 Certified Google Educator.

Visit her professional digital portfolio:


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