How to Become an EdTechTeam Summit Presenter

Last weekend I had the privilege of presenting at my third EdtechTeam Summit.  As an educator, you may know of these as GAFE Summits (#gafesummit). GAFE stands for Google Apps For Education. Since Google has rebranded their apps as the GSuite for Education there's not a sweet acronym that can be used anymore. The Edtech team has had to rebrand their summit name as well (#edtechteam).
I attended my first summit in the fall of 2015 at Monarch High School in Boulder, CO. This is where I learned about OrangeSlice, ActivelyLearn, Symbaloo, and so much more.  I also learned, I had a wealth of knowledge to share myself.  There are things I have learned in my classroom from trial and error.  I am able to share these ideas with others via my blog, Twitter, TeacherspayTeachers, and at summits.
How does one become a presenter?

  • First, if you've never attended a summit, I would recommend attending one.  Get to know the format of the sessions and enjoy a weekend of learning among your edtechie tribe!   Check out the EdtechTeam website to find a Google, iPad, or Apple summit near you. 
  •  Next, think about your passions and expertise.  Then, apply!  What's the worst that could happen? They don't chose your session? Everyone gets told no at some point. It doesn't mean you don't know what you're doing. It means you may need to revamp, rethink, then reapply. 

I have heard from colleagues, "I have nothing new or groundbreaking to present." I have presented twice about using graphic novels in the classroom and once about tips and tricks for grading in docs and forms.
Here's what I have learned:

1) There's always going to be someone who comes to your session who is just learning to embrace technology in the classroom or is willing to try new things.  You are the expert in the room for the time being.
2) Give time for exploration. It's just like being in your classroom, if your group suddenly is into the material and talking with one another and sharing ideas, you've done your job! The first time I presented about graphic novels I was guilty of too much talk.  For my second presentation about grading with Google extensions I shared out ideas and let people try things. My feedback was much better.  For my third presentation the EdtechTeam selected my graphic novel presentation again. This time I was able to build in more time to play with extensions such as Bitmoji and websites such as Pixton.
Here are my slide show presentations and documents to give you ideas.

I'm not a professional speaker by any means, but I do feel like I'm finding my voice.  I get better each time I have the opportunity to share. Don't be afraid to share your knowledge.  I hope you find this advice helpful. Enjoy your next summit!


Andi Adams is in her 12th year of teaching. She is on the iPad team at Skyview Middle School in District 49. She is passionate about her family, travel, and teaching.
You can follow her on her blog and on Twitter.


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