Change Your Mindset

Have you ever read a book that challenges you and encourages you to become better? That’s exactly what happened when I read The Innovator's Mindset. If you’re looking for a book that will encourage you to step out of your comfort zone, check it out.

“We rarely create something different until we experience something different.” -George Couros

Mindset is more important than skill set. Change your mind, change your classroom, change the world. Innovation is so crucial today because we have to keep changing. It’s important for us to adapt to our society and understand future needs. We should not still be teaching like we’re preparing students to be workers in a factory. Students need teachers that will push and challenge them to be their own thinkers, develop critical thinking skills, and collaborate effectively with others. Teachers are no longer the giver of information, but we need to innovate and shift our roles into facilitators. We need to learn to guide students and not direct them. Innovation allows teachers a chance to inspire students and do something incredible.

“When we begin to think differently about the things we are used to seeing daily, we can create innovative learning opportunities.” -George Couros

Over the past several years, I began to create opportunities for innovation in my teaching and learning by being transparent. The environment a teacher is in seems to affect their actions and thoughts. I began to meet innovators that started challenging and pushing me in new directions. We began to share ideas and bounce ideas off of each other. I began to transform my classroom into an environment, unlike the traditional classroom. But it wasn’t just about the space. It was about how I taught. It was about how I began to put more ownership on the students.

“To help move others forward, we must first look in the mirror at our actions and, sometimes, inaction.” - George Couros

As an educator, I usually need time to reflect on my own work and then talk about it with someone. I also like to hear others constructive criticism when it comes from a sincere place of wanting to help and not judge. Reflecting helps me move forward and make my classroom a more successful place. I kept failing, reflecting, and trying again. I am always ready to try new ideas and continue to innovate my classroom.

I have been teaching since 2003 and have taught 2nd-5th grade. I currently teach at ALLIES as the Innovation Lab Professor. Teaching is my passion and I look forward to every new learning experience.
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“Success is achieved by developing our strengths, not by eliminating our weaknesses.” -Marilyn vos Savant


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