Tech Tips

Hello, colleagues!

In my new position, as the technology specialist at Skyview, I am continuing to build bridges between the staff and myself. This can be quite difficult as I teach broadcasting during 8th grade's plan time and during half of the 7th grade's plan time. Some teachers that I can meet with during their "free" time is 6th grade. At the same time, I don't want to take up too much of their time.

So how am I building the relationship? Through my tech tips newsletter!

Teachers ask me quite a bit how I "know so much," and the answer is that Google is my best friend and I read online A LOT. I've curated a great PLN on Twitter, and I blog once a week. I am continually learning and taking what I learn and turning it into what I need. Since, for the most part, I have the expertise in edtech, it makes sense that I share my knowledge with others! I was inspired by Mari, who I am part of #sunchatbloggers with. She is a middle school science teacher in California who also dabbles in tech at her school. She started a technology newsletter that she posts in the staff bathroom. I thought to myself, "I can do that too!"

How do I go about creating the newsletter? Luckily I read online a lot, so as I come across a topic that I think would benefit the staff, I file it on my computer. Then, when I create a newsletter, I do one large article and three small tips.

Is the newsletter working? At first, I wasn't so sure. But then an administrator mentioned the newsletter during a staff meeting. That seemed to open the door to teachers acknowledging that they're reading the newsletter in the bathrooms. Recently, some teachers have been asking me questions about the tech tips and wondering if I have an archive.

If you are someone in a similar position to mine, I would encourage you to think about supporting your colleagues in this way. A little work on your part goes a long way in building relationships with your staff. Or, feel free to share my tech tips newsletter with your colleagues! Doesn't hurt to beg, borrow, and steal to save some time! Thanks for reading :)

Rachel Jeffrey is in her 12th year of teaching, her ninth in District 49. She currently teachers broadcasting and is the building technology specialist at Skyview Middle School. She is a former 1:1 iPad Social Studies teacher. You can read more about her teaching passions on Twitter or through her blog.


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